What I am Doing Now

I am currently working for ILANTUS as the Channel Sales Manager for North America.  I am recruiting and developing new channel partners to sell our product and services.  We want partners that are looking to get into Identity and Access Management area but thought it was too long of a sales cycle and thought it was too complex to sell.

ILANTUS Provides Password Management and Single Sign on solutions for the small to medium enterprise companies in North America.  ILANTUS started out doing system consulting for the Large Identity and access management companies  like IBM , CA and Others.  We have completed over 300 successful project and learned a great deal of use cases that all companies can benefit from. We created products that focus on Password Management and Single Sign On for companies.

Password Express is a enterprise password manager that provides self service password reset, password sync to application web and thick client applications. With Password Express, users only need to remember one complex password and not many.

Sign-on Express provide single sign on to all web based application that a enterprise my use.  This can be internal or external apps.  We provide seamless and secure access from any device, anytime and anywhere.

To learn more about our products you can visit ILANTUS Express site


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